Sniper_WD's TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Scores

Story Mode
Level Record Rank
Time to Split
Easy 3:40.5 30th
Normal 4:03.0 28th
Hard 4:39.3 32nd
Scotland the Brave
Easy 4:19.3 24th
Normal 4:35.1 26th
Hard 6:44.6 40th
The Russian Connection
Easy 7:42.7 35th
Normal 7:32.2 21st
Hard 9:18.9 36th
The Khallos Express
Easy 4:59.3 50th
Normal 5:23.8 43rd
Hard 7:44.3 50th
Mansion of Madness
Easy 6:10.1 18th
Normal 6:47.8 21st
Hard 8:04.6 22nd
What Lies Below
Easy 7:26.9 18th
Normal 7:35.6 17th
Hard 8:11.4 19th
Breaking and Entering
Easy 5:15.8 23rd
Normal 5:30.8 24th
Hard 6:11.3 32nd
You Genius, U-Genix
Easy 7:23.6 18th
Normal 7:47.7 16th
Hard 8:35.5 15th
Machine Wars
Easy 8:42.6 19th
Normal 8:55.5 20th
Hard 9:46.6 23rd
Something to Crow About
Easy 8:27.3 22nd
Normal 8:16.4 17th
Hard 8:46.0 14th
You Take the Highroad
Easy 5:35.9 24th
Normal 5:48.1 22nd
Hard 6:15.6 20th
The Hooded Man
Easy 3:16.5 10th
Normal 3:46.6 15th
Hard 4:02.8 11th
Future Perfect
Easy 2:33.8 35th
Normal 2:46.6 35th
Hard 3:23.7 42nd
Level Record Rank
Behead the Undead
Brain Drain 0 150th
Rare or Well Done? 0 148th
Boxing Clever 0 146th
Cut-out Shoot-out
Hart Attack 0 158th
Come Hell or High Water 0 146th
Balls of Steel 0 150th
Cat Driving
The Cat's Out of the Bag 10:00.0 155th
Lap it Up 10:00.0 150th
The Cat's Pajamas 10:00.0 148th
Super Smashing Great
Avec Le Brique 10:00.0 145th
Absolutely Potty 10:00.0 150th
Don't Lose Your Bottle 0:40.0  3rd
TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic
Queen of Harts 1:31.0 5th
Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby 10:00.0 135th
Glimpse of Stocking 10:00.0 134th
Monkeying Around
Electro Chimp Discomatic 0h0:00.0 144th
Melon Heist 7900  2nd
Brass Monkeys 0 150th
Miscellanous Challenges
Cortez Can't Jump! 0 148th
TSUG: TimeSplitters Underground 10100 31st
Plainly Off His Rocker 0 153rd
Arcade Amateur
Level Record Rank
One Gun Fun
Rockets 101 0 167th
Big Game Hunt 85 14th
Divine Immolation 0 163rd
Night Stick
Commuting Will Kill You 10:00.0 162nd
Toy Soldiers 0 160th
Dam Cold Out Here! 10:00 158th
On the Take
Vamping in Venice 10:00.0 156th
Pirate Gold 10:00.0 161st
Virtual Brutality 1:34.5 9th
Arcade Honorary
Level Record Rank
Dead Weight
A Pox of Mox 10:00 148th
Rumble in the Jungle 10:00.0 147th
Freak Unique 10:00.0 147th
Fever Pitch
Outbreak Hotel 0:00.0 167th
Missile Bunker 0:00.0 165th
Bag Slag 0:00.0 163rd
Mode Madness
I Like Dead People 65 13th
Zany Zeppelin 0 153rd
Lip Up Fatty 20:00.0 154th
Arcade Elite
Level Record Rank
Smash 'n' Grab
Screw Loose 1:32.5 37th
Oh Shoal-o-Mio 0:51.6 38th
Astro Jocks 1:51.9 48th
Group Therapy
Zone Control 2:30 18th
Front Loaded 1:11.5 44th
Old Blaggers 7 26th
Retro Chique
The Dead, The Bad and The Silly 1:39.2 35th
Ninja Garden 34 25th
Sock it to Them 0:31.4 9th