
Welcome to The TimeSplitters Elite! Some of the world's best gamers compete here for the fastest times and best scores on TimeSplitters, TimeSplitters 2, and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. We also have single segment rankings for all three games, as well as individual level rankings for TimeSplitters 2.

All scores are done on the original Playstation 2, GameCube, or Xbox consoles without cheats or any cheating devices.

Inside you will find videos from some of the top players showing the best strategies in the world.

Recent News

Silent Thunder 10/1/2024 12:54:23 AM
New Registrations and Submissions Closed
No further registrations, score submissions or score changes will be accepted on The TimeSplitters Elite. Apologies to those that have recently joined the site. I have been struggling with the decision of how or if I want to continue maintaining and paying for this site for several months now. This last weekend I had decided to continue forward with support of the site in light of the new PS4 and PS5 versions needing major changes to how the rankings are generated and proof is handled. Those changes are not going forward. More recent events and discussions, both within the TimeSplitters speedrunning community and in my personal life, have made clear to me how I want to proceed. I have revived a project I started, nearly completed, and dropped in June 2024.

In a future update, all current rankings, player score pages and stage ranking pages on the The TimeSplitters Elite will be converted to static html pages, archiving the scores as they are now. No further changes will be made after that point. I will no longer maintain the site going forward.

I have been playing these games going back to 2004 and I've tried as best as I know how to respect and make known the accomplishments of those that poured hours into these games. My time for doing that is now at an end.

A big thank you to BothanSpy, Anemptybox, and RedactedReality for their help with the site. I also want to thank EmosewaMC for his advice over the last few years. Thank you to the previous admins and moderators of the old site, FMC (original creater of scopinfo), SamShady (rescued data from the old site), and failurewarning. There are others that I'm forgetting from many years ago that deserve thanks as well.

Thank you and good luck to you all.

I will not return. Not this time.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 10/1/2024 12:54:23 AM
Silent Thunder 9/29/2024 9:01:02 PM
Upcoming Proof Policy Changes + PS4/PS5 Update
The following proof changes will soon be enforced by an upcoming update to The TimeSplitters Elite. This update is still under development. This message is a heads up for active players so they are not caught by surprise and can make adjustments to their recording and proof habits now.

1. Scrolling proof will no longer be accepted for the following scores. Full video proof must be provided:

6C Heist - 0 bags

Escape From Neotokyo - 16.0
Take 'em Down - 4300
Fallout - 1700
Pick Yer Piece - 1700
Monkey Immolation - 3:00.0
Disco Inferno - 3:00.0
Burns Department - 3:00.0

Hart Attack - 1800
Come Hell or High Water - 1800
Balls of Steel - 1300
Plainly Off His Rocker - 375
Pox of Mox - 2:15.0
Outbreak Hotel - 3:00.0
Missle Bunker - 3:00.0

2. Any score that is ranked in the top 10 scores of a stage when submitted will require full video proof going forward. You will have to link a proof video in order to submit the score. I am also considering the possibility of making video proof required for all submission to the site.

These are not the only changes to proof that I am considering and I likely will have additional updates in the near future.

PS4/PS5 Update
The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions will be added to the site. They are going to require a major change to how the site handles and displays the rankings. Do not expect to see these systems to be added until the beginning of 2025 at the earliest.

I can say with certainty that full video proof will be required for any PS4 or PS5 submission. Make sure to record your gameplay.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 9/29/2024 9:01:02 PM
Silent Thunder 8/21/2024 9:43:58 PM
PS4/PS5 Versions
At this time The TimeSplitters Elite is NOT accepting submissions from the recent Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 versions of the games.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 8/21/2024 9:43:58 PM
Silent Thunder 12/4/2022 12:08:29 AM
New Moderator - RedactedReality
A new moderator has been added to the TSElite staff. RedactedReality accepted my request to be added as a new mod and he will be helping out with some proof-related things around the site. A big thank you goes out to him!

Congratulations, RedactedReality!
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 12/4/2022 12:08:29 AM
Silent Thunder 3/6/2022 5:38:09 AM
Update: Now Accepting TS2/TSFP Xbox Series X|S Submissions
An update was made to the site tonight to allow Xbox Series X|S to be selected as a system when submitting a score. We are now accepting scores from these systems.

Have fun competing!
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 3/6/2022 5:38:09 AM
Past News