
This website was maintained from 2018 until 2024. It has been left online in its current state for archive purposes only.

Welcome to The TimeSplitters Elite! Some of the world's best gamers compete here for the fastest times and best scores on TimeSplitters, TimeSplitters 2, and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. We also have single segment rankings for all three games, as well as individual level rankings for TimeSplitters 2.

All scores are done on the original Playstation 2, GameCube, or Xbox consoles without cheats or any cheating devices.

Inside you will find videos from some of the top players showing the best strategies in the world.

Recent News

Silent Thunder 10/20/2024
One Last Thing
I think I said somewhere that the previous news post would be the last on the site. I'm going to do another one, though. One that's more bittersweet.

There were several new registrations over the years after the site relaunched in 2018. Part of that registration process asked you to (optionally) tell us a bit about youself. This was intended to filter out fake registrations, but I found it touching to read the comments of how players started playing the games, history of playing the games, nostalgia for the games, and hopes for future accomplishments.

Thank you to all who commented. I read every single one and they were not discarded.

Here they are again, in random order. Some have been edited to preserve anonymity.

TimeSplitters Future Perfect I've played to death on Xbox and is easily my favorite game in the series. TimeSplitters 2 I enjoy as well, but not as much. The first one I've hardly played. I may play it again sometime when I buy another PS2.
Played since 2005
I've been playing TimeSplitters 1 & 2 since my Middle School days and I had been itching to play the series again and got to do so by getting a PS2 and revisiting 1 & 2 before playing Future Perfect for the very first time.
- Played all TS games on release - New to speedrunning - Eager to compete for arcade and challenge times - Currently enlisted in US Army :)
My girlfriend introduced me to time splitters when we first started dating. It was her childhood game and was very excited to get me started. Ever since i’ve been connecting more with the gameplay and characters. So much so i’ve been wanting to try and really push some personal bests. Her knowing i love to compete on leaderboards, showed me tseleite and i instantly was drawn to the format of the website’s rankings, points, individual leaderboards
I haven't played in a while but I did use to "speedrun" some of the levels years ago and i only just found out this website exists.
I had no clue this existed until now so I'm curious to see where I stand vs. the elite players and hope to put up good competition
Hello! I am a speedrunner who loved playing the TimeSplitters series during my childhood, and I'm looking to play the TimeSplitters games competitively now that they are backwards compatible with the Xbox Series S.
I started playing the timesplitters series since i was a kid. I wasn’t much of a challenge player more of a constant arcade player as 4th plyer with my older brothers. But things change when you grow up in your 20s lol. Im excited to try on some of the leaderboards now that i can actually do them with more than a bronze.
I started speedrunning TimeSplitters 2 story in December 2016 but I haven't played much since mid 2017 when I got 2nd place in single segment easy and got co-op single segment easy world record. I use the speedrun.com/ts2 rankings to record my times usually but saw this too and decided to sign up!
I used to play TS2 a lot as a kid and recently put up story level speedruns on Speedrun.com, I only just found out about the TSElite due to watching a Notre Dame run recently and the site was listed in the players layout, I am very happy I found this place and I shall hopefully post some runs soon here :)
I'm not godlike at this game, and I don't plan to run it that seriously, but I plan to do mostly casual TS1 single segment runs that have never been done before, like story on hard and 100%. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to motivate someone a bit more competitive.
Recently got some of my old consoles back up and running and started playing quite a lot. Haven't started running timesplitters yet, but I've been speedrunning some other games for a bit like GoldenEye and am excited to start running timesplitters!
I just wanna get some single segment Pog runs, s/o to Jodavski, CD_ and Benkilla
Played Timesplitters growing up. My favorite score is -------- points on Dusk of the Dead.
Played ts1/ts2 as a kid, got into speedrunning ~4 months ago. Will submit mostly ts1 non-WRs until i can get the necessary equipment, once i get the equipment I may also submit some ts2 stuff to replicate what I have done on an emulator.
I've speedran Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for the past 4 years. Looking to try this out a bit. Played Timesplitters 2 when I was kid
I’ve been playing games since I was very young. I’m 21 years old and only recently played a TimeSplitters game for the first time a few months ago. I’ve known about the games, but was never interested in them until recently. I got to this point thanks to Goldeneye runner RWhiteGoose’s videos about speedrunning and I became almost obsessed with it last fall. I’ve only played TimeSplitters 2 so far and haven’t played everything in it yet. I’ve still got to unlock all of the levels in Story and play the Challenges and Arcade stages more. So far I’ve gotten an addiction for Return to Planet X on Easy. I’ve also only completed Adios Amigos! in the Arcade. I hope to continue to broaden my gaming experience by joining up. In the future, I’ll try to get the other games and may join the GE and PD Elite once I get the urge to get an N64 and the games. Sorry for the long message, but I like to be thorough.
I realized I hadn't joined here yet so I figured I ought to make sure I do. I've only ever done IL stuff in TSFP, so that'll what most of it'll be.
Hello, my name is ----------, I am from Austria and playing Timesplitters since it release. Wanted to share some of my scores and times with you.
Call me ---------- I have loved watching speedruns a bit more than playing them but I have a fair amount of experience with these games, as well as some attempted speedruns in other games such as goldeneye and Perfect dark. So far the only shared record I have is in heist in TS1 the rest of my times on scores leave room for Improvement. I doubt I'll be setting many records, But I will at least put in my all! I'm From ---------- Australia and look forwards to getting back into the timesplitters games
Hiya! I currently play perfect dark but I'd like to give TimeSplitters a go. I don't own the game yet but just ordered a copy. If there's a TS discord could you add me?
Hi everyone! This is ----------, a TimeSplitters 2 speedrunner wannabe. I have been speedrunning on emulator for three months and am looking forward to get some good runs in my native Wii or PS2.
Hi my names ----------, i've been a diehard Timesplitters fan since I was 4 years old, i've played the game ever since it was released and I had never reached out to find other players who passionately play the series to similar extents until recently. I've just now came across this website and would be keen to test myself among with best, I also see players on here who I grew up watching on Youtube and would love to be a part of the wider Timesplitters community.
I have been playing TimeSplitters since 2000s, I found out about it from renting 2 and FP, and I have stuck the closest with TSFP, I have a Nintendo GameCube and Wii with the physical copy of TSFP, but I normally play on Dolphin. I usually go by ---------- on twitch, and discord.
I've played Timesplitters 2 since I was young. For a month or two at the beginning of the year I was running Timesplitters 1 Story Easy and completed all the levels in ---------- real time. I've just started running Timesplitters 2 on Normal on Xbox with the intention of moving up to Hard when I get more skilled. I am ---------- on Twitch.
Hey, I'm ----------. I joined the discord not too long ago but I've been a fan of Timsplitters since I played 2 for the first time over 10 years ago. I've been into speedrunning in general for a long time, but have only really started going for runs myself near the end of 2021. Other than Timesplitters, I also run Super Mario 64 - 16 star, and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Defeat Ganon. Hoping to get into even more categories sometime soon :)
I'm known as ----------., -- years old from the UK and had only played timesplitters 2 when I was younger for years, after not touching the games for around 15 years I'm back and loving the new online capability where I've preformed pretty well, so I thought I'd take a stab at running some categories. Currently making an acc to upload a PB for the cats out of the bag with a ----------. I think that's in the top --.
Hey I'm ----------, I'm very new to the TS series, only been playing for a small time but it's a fun series and I wanna Speedrun it, it also helps that it feels similar to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark(two games I've been Speedrunning for a year)so yeah, I'm hype
I just like cat racing :-) I stream runs over at ---------- if you want to stop by
TimeSplitters is one of my childhood games that I associate with deep nostalgia. Summer of 2007 was the time I was introduced to TimeSplitters Future Perfect by my friend as they have gotten the game as a birthday present. About a decade later I begin to pick the game back up again through emulation and even went as far as to finish the game on hard, then shorty after achieve all gold/platinum rewards. Currently on Xbox my goal is to not only receive all platinum, but attempt to succeed at least one world record.
I'm a huge fan of Timesplitters. I've been playing a lot of Goldeneye but have always revisited the timesplitters series to try and improve my times.
been playing the series, starting at 2 (a little backward, I know) since I was about 12. I am now approaching -- years of age and the games still hold charming memories. not entirely a record-seeker, but I am considering it now that I've seen how easy it is to imitate the similar styles that some of the other record-holders have done. my current challenge? BEATING Escape From NeoTokyo in UNDER 16 seconds.
Hey, I haven’t speedrun TS yet, but I’m really interested in the site, the community and runs of the games (2 mostly). I really hope THQ Nordic makes something out of the game, now it’s their IP.
Speedrunner of TS2 since April 2024. Preferably Hard story. One day I will learn TS:FP. Currently hold a few minor spots on SR.com for TS2.
Not super seasoned been playing since sean of the dead came out on and off got back into it but this time im playing on NGC TimeSplitters FP for now plan on buying ts 2 for NGC as well and maybe get my hands on the 1st for ps2
CD and Joe inspired me to get some equipment and start the runs!
I have yet to try and speedrun TS2, although I've been playing it since I was about 5 or 6 years old, and I want to learn how to speedrun this game, as well as possibly the other 2 in the future. Timesplitters is one of my all time favorite series of games, and I own the physical release of all the games on each platform, for PAL only so far and I also own various demos!
Been playing Timesplitters since 2003
I've been playing TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect since they came out on the GameCube, although most of my time goes to the latter. I've been getting into speedrunning it more lately and figured I'd post some of my times here, although they're nothing special, really.
I played the 2nd game years ago when I was a kid. Recently got the three games again on ps2 and have been having a lot of fun with them. Found this website and it seems interesting.
I'm pretty good on the Challenges and Arcade League, but Story mode I can improve on.
sorry I'm shy
Used to play with 4 mates. Now back and ready to break with some records with Strudel
Good evening! My name is -------- from Canada, and I absolutely love this game. I remember playing Future Perfect when I was very young, and having a blast with all the zany characters, maps and weapons. Once I saw the game come to Xbox One, I knew I had to scoop a copy. I've just been playing so much more of this game recently, as I've noticed newer games don't have the charm or love put into their games. I hope you guys take submissions for base Xbox One, if not I'll just stick around until I get a qualifying console. Thanks :)
I am definitely not a robot. I just like Nintendo games, I want to see how I can score or how high I can get here
I currently play TS2, and looking to play other titles in the future. My best time is 30:41 on easy mode
I'm not a Speedrunner, But I just want to post my Scores in. And I am A Playstation 2 fan and Gamer. =]
Been playing timesplitters since a kid, and recently decided to start beating my high scores - seeing how far I can go.
I speedrun a lot of games
I've been playing TS since I was about 8 years old. Always been one of my favourite games
Alright so i recently found my old ps2 and i decided to start speedrunning some of the maps.
Hi used to play time splitters fp in a 4 man crew, my mates going for wr in cat racing and I'm having a dabble too!!
Hey folks, used to be on TSP.net a lot back in the day. Hoping to start running TS2 and streaming in the new year. Hope to see yall around.
I've been playing TimeSplitters since i was born no word of a lie :) XD
I've been playing TS the second one came out and I just learned about tselite
TimeSplitters 2 is a childhood favourite game of mine that I had on ps2 and the original xbox. Me and my dad would take it in turns to complete challenges and arcade league levels and I would get him to do the ones too difficult for me hahaha such as nice threads and but where do the batteries go
I’m not really sure what to say here, I’ve been playing the timesplitters franchise since my youth but I only recently decided to get back into it— nearly 100%’d them all again but after that I think it’d be fun to challenge so if the scores here and see where I would rank.
Been playing the games since I was a child. Always been a huge fan
Started picking up Timesplitters 1 IL's recently, gonna try and see how low i can push my times and post them here :~)
I wasn’t introduced to the elite from playing at nv’s house. I’m from the UK and enjoy streets on golden eye, village on timesplitters and villa on perfect dark
Been playing timesplitters since I was very young. On a journey to full plat ts2
Huge fan of TimeSplitters trilogy. Mastered 100% every single one many times throughout my life :-)
Well I've been playing the game since around 2006, but I was a young boy. I spent countless hours playing with my older and younger brother in Deathmatch mostly. I've always gone back about a year at a time and would 100% the game through, and would introduce several friends to the series as I went. Recently, I learned through speedrun.com about speedrunning the game, then learned about the Elite and thought I would try my hand at joining the ranks.
Been playing TSFP for about a year now on and off. Trying to get sub 1:30 single segment
Played TS2 for years so I'm most comfortable with the game. Have Japanese version, but I'm having difficult times figuring out how to get it to work.
I'm a new runner from France, who wants to learn on TimeSplitter 2 for now, and the others later.
I used to greatly enjoy the TS series in the past and wanted to start speedrunning myself as i've also been a long time fan of speedrunning in general so why not start here? :) I hope to find a cool community and good resources to get started. See ya!
I was born in 2004 so I literally grew up with TimeSplitters, been playing it since before I can remember. I want to start speed running and couldn’t think of a better game
Last Edited By Hand: Silent Thunder on 10/20/2024
Silent Thunder 10/1/2024 12:54:23 AM
New Registrations and Submissions Closed
No further registrations, score submissions or score changes will be accepted on The TimeSplitters Elite. Apologies to those that have recently joined the site. I have been struggling with the decision of how or if I want to continue maintaining and paying for this site for several months now. This last weekend I had decided to continue forward with support of the site in light of the new PS4 and PS5 versions needing major changes to how the rankings are generated and proof is handled. Those changes are not going forward. More recent events and discussions, both within the TimeSplitters speedrunning community and in my personal life, have made clear to me how I want to proceed. I have revived a project I started, nearly completed, and dropped in June 2024.

In a future update, all current rankings, player score pages and stage ranking pages on the The TimeSplitters Elite will be converted to static html pages, archiving the scores as they are now. No further changes will be made after that point. I will no longer maintain the site going forward.

I have been playing these games going back to 2004 and I've tried as best as I know how to respect and make known the accomplishments of those that poured hours into these games. My time for doing that is now at an end.

A big thank you to BothanSpy, Anemptybox, and RedactedReality for their help with the site. I also want to thank EmosewaMC for his advice over the last few years. Thank you to the previous admins and moderators of the old site, FMC (original creater of scopinfo), SamShady (rescued data from the old site), and failurewarning. There are others that I'm forgetting from many years ago that deserve thanks as well.

Thank you and good luck to you all.

I will not return. Not this time.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 10/1/2024 12:54:23 AM
Silent Thunder 9/29/2024 9:01:02 PM
Upcoming Proof Policy Changes + PS4/PS5 Update
The following proof changes will soon be enforced by an upcoming update to The TimeSplitters Elite. This update is still under development. This message is a heads up for active players so they are not caught by surprise and can make adjustments to their recording and proof habits now.

1. Scrolling proof will no longer be accepted for the following scores. Full video proof must be provided:

6C Heist - 0 bags

Escape From Neotokyo - 16.0
Take 'em Down - 4300
Fallout - 1700
Pick Yer Piece - 1700
Monkey Immolation - 3:00.0
Disco Inferno - 3:00.0
Burns Department - 3:00.0

Hart Attack - 1800
Come Hell or High Water - 1800
Balls of Steel - 1300
Plainly Off His Rocker - 375
Pox of Mox - 2:15.0
Outbreak Hotel - 3:00.0
Missle Bunker - 3:00.0

2. Any score that is ranked in the top 10 scores of a stage when submitted will require full video proof going forward. You will have to link a proof video in order to submit the score. I am also considering the possibility of making video proof required for all submission to the site.

These are not the only changes to proof that I am considering and I likely will have additional updates in the near future.

PS4/PS5 Update
The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions will be added to the site. They are going to require a major change to how the site handles and displays the rankings. Do not expect to see these systems to be added until the beginning of 2025 at the earliest.

I can say with certainty that full video proof will be required for any PS4 or PS5 submission. Make sure to record your gameplay.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 9/29/2024 9:01:02 PM
Silent Thunder 8/21/2024 9:43:58 PM
PS4/PS5 Versions
At this time The TimeSplitters Elite is NOT accepting submissions from the recent Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 versions of the games.
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 8/21/2024 9:43:58 PM
Silent Thunder 12/4/2022 12:08:29 AM
New Moderator - RedactedReality
A new moderator has been added to the TSElite staff. RedactedReality accepted my request to be added as a new mod and he will be helping out with some proof-related things around the site. A big thank you goes out to him!

Congratulations, RedactedReality!
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 12/4/2022 12:08:29 AM
Silent Thunder 3/6/2022 5:38:09 AM
Update: Now Accepting TS2/TSFP Xbox Series X|S Submissions
An update was made to the site tonight to allow Xbox Series X|S to be selected as a system when submitting a score. We are now accepting scores from these systems.

Have fun competing!
Last Edited By: Silent Thunder on 3/6/2022 5:38:09 AM
Past News