RedactedReality's TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Scores

Story Mode
Level Record Rank
Time to Split
Easy 3:20.6  10th
Normal 3:36.3  13th
Hard 3:52.5 12th
Scotland the Brave
Easy 3:27.9 7th
Normal 3:39.4  4th
Hard 4:20.6  3rd
The Russian Connection
Easy 7:02.4  11th
Normal 7:10.8  10th
Hard 7:12.8 6th
The Khallos Express
Easy 4:02.2  5th
Normal 4:07.5  7th
Hard 4:05.8 4th
Mansion of Madness
Easy 5:33.8  9th
Normal 5:35.2 6th
Hard 5:37.6  4th
What Lies Below
Easy 7:52.8 19th
Normal 8:48.8  26th
Hard 10:08.3 31st
Breaking and Entering
Easy 5:09.6  19th
Normal 5:05.3  14th
Hard 5:06.7  11th
You Genius, U-Genix
Easy 7:09.9  16th
Normal 7:41.4  14th
Hard 8:34.6 14th
Machine Wars
Easy 8:36.4  16th
Normal 8:57.8 21st
Hard 11:11.8 33rd
Something to Crow About
Easy 8:00.8  15th
Normal 8:26.4 18th
Hard 8:51.7  16th
You Take the Highroad
Easy 5:23.1 13th
Normal 5:47.9  21st
Hard 6:25.2 24th
The Hooded Man
Easy 3:29.1 19th
Normal 3:53.1  17th
Hard 4:18.9 14th
Future Perfect
Easy 2:12.4  18th
Normal 2:40.0  27th
Hard 2:42.2 27th
Level Record Rank
Behead the Undead
Brain Drain 277400 13th
Rare or Well Done? 324650  5th
Boxing Clever 1056505505  24th
Cut-out Shoot-out
Hart Attack 1800  1st
Come Hell or High Water 1800  1st
Balls of Steel 1300  1st
Cat Driving
The Cat's Out of the Bag 1:01.8  19th
Lap it Up 1:37.8  16th
The Cat's Pajamas 1:38.6 4th
Super Smashing Great
Avec Le Brique 1:20.5  10th
Absolutely Potty 0:57.2  9th
Don't Lose Your Bottle 0:52.3  18th
TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic
Queen of Harts 1:35.2  26th
Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby 1:33.4  15th
Glimpse of Stocking 1:23.3 26th
Monkeying Around
Electro Chimp Discomatic 0h21:30.6 39th
Melon Heist 2900 22nd
Brass Monkeys 4270  86th
Miscellanous Challenges
Cortez Can't Jump! 760 25th
TSUG: TimeSplitters Underground 15625 14th
Plainly Off His Rocker 375  1st
Arcade Amateur
Level Record Rank
One Gun Fun
Rockets 101 34  19th
Big Game Hunt 95  1st
Divine Immolation 53  22nd
Night Stick
Commuting Will Kill You 1:54.2 43rd
Toy Soldiers 50  21st
Dam Cold Out Here! 1:45  1st
On the Take
Vamping in Venice 1:34.3 14th
Pirate Gold 0:25.4  15th
Virtual Brutality 1:36.1 14th
Arcade Honorary
Level Record Rank
Dead Weight
A Pox of Mox 2:15  1st
Rumble in the Jungle 2:42.6  28th
Freak Unique 1:21.7 4th
Fever Pitch
Outbreak Hotel 3:00.0  1st
Missile Bunker 3:00.0  1st
Bag Slag 3:29.0  2nd
Mode Madness
I Like Dead People 70 8th
Zany Zeppelin 74 5th
Lip Up Fatty 1:12.6  12th
Arcade Elite
Level Record Rank
Smash 'n' Grab
Screw Loose 1:06.7  12th
Oh Shoal-o-Mio 0:41.0  4th
Astro Jocks 1:49.9 40th
Group Therapy
Zone Control 2:30 18th
Front Loaded 0:57.9 15th
Old Blaggers 7 26th
Retro Chique
The Dead, The Bad and The Silly 1:22.8 15th
Ninja Garden 49  2nd
Sock it to Them 0:38.0  34th