Player facts
ivXn_ uses the PlayStation 2 console.
ivXn_ uses the NTSC version.
ivXn_ uses the NTSC-J version.
ivXn_'s country: Mexico
ivXn_ uses the PlayStation 2 console.
ivXn_ uses the NTSC version.
ivXn_ uses the NTSC-J version.
ivXn_'s country: Mexico
tselite.net is not in any way affiliated or involved with THQ Nordic, Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft. TimeSplitters, TimeSplitters 2, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and all related material are registered trademarks of THQ Nordic. All other content is copyright © tselite.net 2003 - 2024.
Ranking system developed by Silent Thunder.
A huge thanks goes to Ryan Dwyer for the layout design and the-elite.net for hosting the TimeSplitters pages from 2010 through 2017.