Behead the Undead - Day of the Damned Back
Rank Player Date Score System Points
1. CP 6/16/2011 580600 100
2. sg 3/9/2005 386025  97
3. perfect_water41 6/16/2011 348425 95
4. BeachBug1 6/16/2011 230500 94
5. Fitzy 6/16/2011 198725 93
6. Silent Thunder 12/31/2020 158350  92
7. BothanSpy 6/16/2011 134750 91
8. Remlosh 6/16/2011 129825 90
9. Ts2Lenny 6/16/2011 116200 89
10. BenS 6/16/2011 113850 88
11. Anemptybox 6/16/2011 112925 87
12. failurewarning 6/16/2011 111925 86
13. Samshady 1/18/2005 111450 85
14. Matthijs Triep 6/16/2011 105900 84
15. harrall 6/16/2011 104775 83
16. snoozer 6/16/2011 103500 82
17. Riku 6/16/2011 103125 81
18. Blackdragon 6/16/2011 96100 80
19. DarkMaster 6/16/2011 91600 79
20. giggs 6/16/2011 90500 78
21. g-kid 6/16/2011 89100 77
22. Dark-Link 6/16/2011 86475 76
23. Le_Faucheur 6/16/2011 85450 75
24. BT-404 11/14/2018 84275  74
25. Kazo 6/16/2011 80075 73
26. Grafh 6/16/2011 77000 72
27. turtle1210 6/16/2011 76900 71
28. Red-Fury 6/16/2011 76700 70
29. Thebigfanofben 6/16/2011 75650 69
30. Meat-Sim 6/16/2011 74500 68
31. Sniper_WD 6/16/2011 73650 67
32. Calamariman 6/16/2011 72625 66
33. ExpertGamer 6/16/2011 71925 65
34. Barklund 6/16/2011 69900 64
35. gamerfusion 6/16/2011 68225 63
36. LauLeZzzeeerrr 6/16/2011 67625 62
37. lassie 6/16/2011 65275 61
38. Pince-of-Thieves 6/16/2011 65000 60
39. Neoatlant 6/16/2011 64500 59
40. KaMiKazZ 6/16/2011 64075 58
41. Keirden 6/16/2011 63500 57
42. Dave 6/16/2011 61275 56
43. Beretta_Stylgun 6/16/2011 60650 55
44. Tylok 6/16/2011 60475 54
45. dam2 6/16/2011 57225 53
46. krekko 6/16/2011 54950 52
47. DarkMetalZero 6/16/2011 54900 51
48. Kyle 6/16/2011 54375 50
49. TSMonkey69 11/29/2020 54000 49
50. FPSfan 6/16/2011 53175 48
51. FCBales 6/16/2011 51650 47
52. hutikillah 6/16/2011 51425 46
53. psycho 6/16/2011 50600 45
54. QuietBol 6/16/2011 49275 44
55. Drag0n 6/16/2011 49075 43
56. DarkLord 6/16/2011 49025 42
57. techncl_tactics21 6/16/2011 48650 41
58. sweetmonkeylove 6/16/2011 48450 40
59. Andre-Punk 6/16/2011 48300 39
60. YanDark 6/16/2011 47575 38
61. Spu 6/16/2011 47225 37
62. Robofish 6/16/2011 46900 36
63. FMC 6/16/2011 46550 35
64. The_Great_Moo 6/16/2011 45875 34
65. Starrocky 6/16/2011 45700 33
66. CaGeDpHsYcOpAtH 6/16/2011 45575 32
66. Visceroid 6/16/2011 45575 32
68. CenturionZ_1 6/16/2011 45500 30
69. Goldenvinze 6/16/2011 45275 29
70. neo2992 6/16/2011 44275 28
71. Jak 6/16/2011 43725 27
72. ImEvolving 6/16/2011 43345 26
73. drsamoht 6/16/2011 43100 25
74. niconoe 6/16/2011 42775 24
75. Valtos 6/16/2011 42700 23
76. paard 6/16/2011 42600 22
77. kilik01 6/16/2011 42300 21
78. Aj_GCGod 6/16/2011 42275 20
79. Judagui 6/16/2011 42000 19
80. Skull_Kid 6/16/2011 41600 18
81. FurbManMonomon 6/16/2011 41575 17
82. Sakura 6/16/2011 41275 16
83. Dark-sim32 6/16/2011 40475 15
83. Myst 6/16/2011 40475 15
85. MasterofTS2 6/16/2011 40400 13
86. MostFrantic 6/16/2011 40100 12
86. Mukade 6/16/2011 40100 12
86. Rom-110 6/16/2011 40100 12
89. Swank 6/16/2011 39850 9
90. psychopathe 6/16/2011 39675 8
91. Xylus 6/16/2011 39550 7
92. Mallys 6/16/2011 38025 6
93. Redfox 6/16/2011 37925 5
94. cruel_creature 6/16/2011 37425 4
95. perdouille 6/16/2011 37150 3
96. Holy 6/16/2011 36950 2
97. Static 6/16/2011 36825 1
98. mop 6/16/2011 36750 0
98. MostCowardly 6/16/2011 36750 0
100. Qrowdelia 11/1/2021 36125 0
101. Assassin 6/16/2011 35600 0
102. guigui 6/16/2011 35550 0
103. ThunderSide 6/16/2011 35150 0
103. ts2_kris2003 6/16/2011 35150 0
105. XYZ 6/16/2011 35100 0
106. venom1984 6/16/2011 34425 0
107. yoshifan 6/16/2011 34400 0
107. Zefram42 6/16/2011 34400 0
109. MP 6/16/2011 34200 0
110. KrisRox 6/16/2011 34150 0
111. HavoCci 6/16/2011 34100 0
112. MaximusRTC 6/16/2011 34025 0
113. mudmike 6/16/2011 33675 0
114. Jim 6/16/2011 33075 0
115. monstergames 6/16/2011 33050 0
116. SnapDragon 6/16/2011 33025 0
117. Jokullboy 6/16/2011 32850 0
118. Karafka 6/16/2011 32550 0
119. Evan 6/16/2011 32500 0
120. TheMachinist 6/16/2011 32150 0
121. PiGuy314 6/16/2011 32025 0
122. mind_storm 6/16/2011 31975 0
123. verdeloos 6/16/2011 31925 0
124. Snatch 6/16/2011 31800 0
125. metalrazoir 6/16/2011 31575 0
126. TheRandomPie_IV 6/16/2011 31550 0
127. Nightrain 6/16/2011 31500 0
128. Perfectjoe 3/18/2018 31450 0
129. FEF 6/16/2011 31400 0
130. LuCypher 6/16/2011 31325 0
130. spikemike594 6/16/2011 31325 0
130. TITI 6/16/2011 31325 0
133. FraXure 6/16/2011 31275 0
134. HybridMutant 6/16/2011 31000 0
134. MrSandman 6/16/2011 31000 0
136. link37 6/16/2011 30975 0
137. PerfectDemon 6/16/2011 30900 0
138. Undertaker 6/16/2011 30800 0
139. EliteGamer 6/16/2011 30550 0
140. Neo 6/16/2011 30525 0
141. Sebastian_Photon 6/16/2011 30400 0
142. Bombspy 6/16/2011 30350 0
143. Mathias 6/16/2011 30325 0
144. Absolute_G 6/16/2011 29925 0
145. the_jeb_la_pioche 6/16/2011 29850 0
146. Phoenix 6/16/2011 29800 0
147. fredd262 6/16/2011 29475 0
148. Antoine-45 6/16/2011 29450 0
149. jokersvensson 6/16/2011 29370 0
150. TS2-ICP-Juggalo 6/16/2011 29300 0
151. Bill 6/16/2011 29275 0
152. Crazybogert 6/16/2011 29250 0
153. Mister_D 6/16/2011 29175 0
154. RoleModel 6/16/2011 29125 0
154. rpgmanu 6/16/2011 29125 0
156. Vladiris 6/16/2011 29075 0
157. Azuma 6/16/2011 29050 0
158. GeorgeTunnah 5/26/2018 28925 0
159. ghost-of-agony 6/16/2011 28900 0
159. Tijdsplijter 6/16/2011 28900 0
161. Darkjuli 6/16/2011 28875 0
162. Masakari 6/16/2011 28800 0
163. spookisfat 6/16/2011 28775 0
164. Skemmer 6/16/2011 28725 0
165. Ranevski 6/16/2011 28575 0
166. GCN Phreak 6/16/2011 28475 0
167. AB-109 6/16/2011 28425 0
168. Gingermonkeyjoto 6/16/2011 28400 0
169. Papi_Torrente 6/16/2011 28350 0
170. le_flo 6/16/2011 28250 0
170. wesker 6/16/2011 28250 0
172. kibo 6/16/2011 28150 0
173. skeff 6/16/2011 28125 0
174. neoprophet 6/16/2011 28050 0
175. Gamer-killer 6/16/2011 27975 0
176. Muusisoosi 6/16/2011 27775 0
177. DarkWrath 6/16/2011 27750 0
178. Dragan_Slider 6/16/2011 27575 0
178. ImPerfect_Clark 6/16/2011 27575 0
180. Zaps 6/16/2011 27500 0
181. Cyrus 6/16/2011 27475 0
181. Fro 6/16/2011 27475 0
183. R4bl0F 6/16/2011 27450 0
184. whiteccico 6/16/2011 27425 0
185. andydark 6/16/2011 27400 0
186. MOI 6/16/2011 27375 0
187. Fat_Joe 6/16/2011 27250 0
188. EvilNightmare 6/16/2011 27200 0
188. Kairi 6/16/2011 27200 0
190. axYYxa 6/16/2011 27100 0
190. RedXevious 6/16/2011 27100 0
192. ReNemesis 6/16/2011 26975 0
193. MrGuru 6/16/2011 26950 0
194. ts3 6/16/2011 26900 0
195. Booksley 6/16/2011 26875 0
196. JOJO 6/16/2011 26850 0
197. Immy 6/16/2011 26825 0
198. Jodiroga 6/16/2011 26700 0
198. Mega 6/16/2011 26700 0
200. garisson 6/16/2011 26675 0
201. dirty_beppe 6/16/2011 26650 0
202. chance 6/16/2011 26550 0
202. Gotham 6/16/2011 26550 0
204. JediLink 6/16/2011 26500 0
205. cookie 6/16/2011 26475 0
206. Gringo 6/16/2011 26400 0
207. att_ 6/16/2011 26375 0
207. Crazyreyn 6/16/2011 26375 0
207. gazmarc51 6/16/2011 26375 0
207. Krispy 6/16/2011 26375 0
207. NiceNKrispy 6/16/2011 26375 0
212. GigaMan 6/16/2011 26350 0
213. Otaku 6/16/2011 26200 0
214. thomasgx1 6/16/2011 26050 0
215. Will22 6/16/2011 25925 0
216. the-darkgamer 6/16/2011 25825 0
217. thomas380 6/16/2011 25725 0
218. gst_6561 6/16/2011 25700 0
218. SuicideEagle 6/16/2011 25700 0
220. kloh 6/16/2011 25650 0
220. Ironzide 3/1/2015 25650 0
222. NMC_JackassXXX 6/16/2011 25600 0
223. chronorox 6/16/2011 25525 0
224. samus03 6/16/2011 25275 0
225. Power 6/16/2011 25150 0
226. spassy 6/16/2011 25125 0
227. Roy145 6/16/2011 25050 0
228. fankyman 6/16/2011 25000 0
228. Time-Killer 6/16/2011 25000 0
228. zejoueur 6/16/2011 25000 0
231. flamingfejjery 6/16/2011 24975 0
231. spiderfire 6/16/2011 24975 0
233. Flounder 6/16/2011 24875 0
234. OMeGa 6/16/2011 24650 0
235. houlmeman2 6/16/2011 24500 0
235. Katslover 6/16/2011 24500 0
237. KeithJ 6/16/2011 24300 0
238. Redman09 6/16/2011 23900 0
239. Zeikfried 6/16/2011 23675 0
240. MetroidFreak 6/16/2011 23575 0
241. yvomone 6/16/2011 23525 0
242. tbone 6/16/2011 23325 0
243. Ikelepte 6/16/2011 23300 0
243. Kamuro_Ishigami 6/16/2011 23300 0
245. bauzereaus 6/16/2011 23225 0
246. coucou 6/16/2011 23200 0
247. Ngamer 6/16/2011 23025 0
248. AgentOrange 6/16/2011 22850 0
249. Vorsia 6/16/2011 22600 0
250. MDC 6/16/2011 22525 0
251. BlackWerewolf 6/16/2011 22425 0
252. aragornLeVrai 6/16/2011 22400 0
252. Splitter_Fleau 6/16/2011 22400 0
254. SonuvaGamer 6/16/2011 22300 0
255. Gotrunks 6/16/2011 22200 0
256. advance0006 6/16/2011 22050 0
256. vampier 6/16/2011 22050 0
258. Jeyker 6/16/2011 22000 0
259. dmferrari14 6/16/2011 21850 0
260. Bleek 6/16/2011 21800 0
261. evil_fairy 6/16/2011 21750 0
261. metalsphantasy 6/16/2011 21750 0
263. zanmato 6/16/2011 21675 0
264. LDKDante 6/16/2011 21550 0
265. Flamable 6/16/2011 21450 0
266. Questrobin 6/16/2011 21400 0
267. shez 6/16/2011 21200 0
268. Visolater 6/16/2011 21025 0
269. BankruptCochran 6/16/2011 21000 0
270. therock 6/16/2011 20800 0
271. Vigama 6/16/2011 20775 0
272. Foxxx 6/16/2011 20650 0
273. BOOMAN 6/16/2011 20550 0
273. wheatrich 6/16/2011 20550 0
275. Felix_Swguard 6/16/2011 20450 0
275. Seether 6/16/2011 20450 0
277. Hyper_Dude 6/16/2011 20350 0
278. champ422002 6/16/2011 20250 0
278. Sybkal 6/16/2011 20250 0
280. redeyedman 6/16/2011 20175 0
280. Creepier07 3/9/2022 20175 0
282. KURPIZA 6/16/2011 20150 0
282. Untote_Priester 6/16/2011 20150 0
284. Gladiator 6/16/2011 20100 0
285. Goldenbarqs 6/16/2011 20025 0
286. RAFNYY 6/16/2011 20000 0
287. Speedy 6/16/2011 19925 0
288. Speck_of_Hope 6/16/2011 19525 0
289. Icy Guy 6/16/2011 19275 0
290. Arveladze 6/16/2011 19254 0
291. dereksfriend 6/16/2011 18975 0
291. Josh_Frisby 6/16/2011 18975 0
293. Pistol 6/16/2011 18850 0
294. micropain 6/16/2011 18700 0
295. Blacknightmare 6/16/2011 18625 0
296. farsight37 6/16/2011 18450 0
297. x3n0m0rph 6/16/2011 18300 0
298. johnnyBgood989 6/16/2011 18075 0
299. Le_sans_abri 6/16/2011 17950 0
300. ALF 6/16/2011 17800 0
301. j-fra 6/16/2011 17775 0
302. neothe0ne 6/16/2011 17750 0
303. commandoJAF 6/16/2011 17700 0
304. Emizkit 6/16/2011 17675 0
305. Olly 6/16/2011 17550 0
306. FAMAS 6/16/2011 17300 0
307. trouty 6/16/2011 17050 0
308. Grimnok 6/16/2011 16875 0
309. Mirouf 6/16/2011 16850 0
310. Krue-Anor 6/16/2011 16600 0
311. Secousse 6/16/2011 16350 0
312. DarKiller 6/16/2011 16300 0
312. M_T 6/16/2011 16300 0
314. Adzi 6/16/2011 16175 0
315. Dante 6/16/2011 16150 0
316. jousters 6/16/2011 16100 0
317. RustyFunkNut 6/16/2011 16075 0
318. kr4yzd 6/16/2011 15850 0
319. SpaceTraveler 11/14/2022 15700 0
320. InvisiSniper 6/16/2011 15675 0
321. TS2RULZ 6/16/2011 15650 0
322. Wrathchild 6/16/2011 15600 0
323. J_Dawg007 6/16/2011 15575 0
324. Amidamaru 6/16/2011 15475 0
324. pigswinger 6/16/2011 15475 0
326. Shangster 6/16/2011 15250 0
327. ashdude 6/16/2011 15200 0
328. Bartboy 6/16/2011 15175 0
329. fred 6/16/2011 15000 0
330. TS2 6/16/2011 14975 0
331. paulo03 6/16/2011 14800 0
332. porkins 6/16/2011 14700 0
333. Shaitan 6/16/2011 14300 0
334. jaygg1 6/16/2011 14275 0
335. Fischkopf 6/16/2011 14225 0
336. Andrew_Mills 6/16/2011 14125 0
337. Politus 6/16/2011 14075 0
338. darkill-95 6/16/2011 14050 0
339. MetalLuigi 6/16/2011 13950 0
340. Pernicious 6/16/2011 13650 0
341. Dal 6/16/2011 13600 0
342. Wingnut 6/16/2011 13425 0
343. ShadowN64 6/16/2011 13375 0
344. Swed 6/16/2011 13200 0
345. keefer16 6/16/2011 13125 0
346. Viper 6/16/2011 13100 0
347. Gamealot 6/16/2011 12900 0
347. goldento1 6/16/2011 12900 0
349. Dr_Tall 6/16/2011 12750 0
350. Sneakz 6/16/2011 12525 0
351. Chimpy-Bizkit 6/16/2011 12375 0
352. PauloH 6/16/2011 12300 0
353. CubeNtop 6/16/2011 12050 0
354. jimbob-barussi 6/16/2011 11850 0
355. SubsidallyManic 6/16/2011 11675 0
356. Scissors213 6/16/2011 11500 0
357. invaderblue 6/16/2011 11475 0
358. Ablazer 6/16/2011 11275 0
359. BlueDogGreen 6/16/2011 11125 0
360. Desert-Eagle 6/16/2011 11075 0
361. TonyDark 6/16/2011 11050 0
362. alex6891 6/16/2011 10950 0
363. DARKLOL 6/16/2011 10900 0
364. adebayor54 6/16/2011 10750 0
365. LittleBen 6/16/2011 10700 0
366. NightKiller 6/16/2011 10625 0
367. dragonslayer 6/16/2011 10550 0
368. theguigu 6/16/2011 10525 0
369. battoken 6/16/2011 10450 0
370. Gamecuber 6/16/2011 10425 0
371. MrE 6/16/2011 10350 0
371. PS2Kid 6/16/2011 10350 0
373. SamSim 6/16/2011 10275 0
373. TerryCheesecake 6/16/2011 10275 0
375. shadowmonkey4 6/16/2011 10250 0
376. meishere 6/16/2011 10225 0
377. DrkSnpr14 6/16/2011 10150 0
378. scarla 6/16/2011 10100 0
379. markusgr8 6/16/2011 10000 0
380. _8-ball_ 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Aces 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Achoir 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Alabi 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Alpha 6/16/2011 0 0
380. bartman 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Bast 6/16/2011 0 0
380. beautiful 6/16/2011 0 0
380. beer_plz 6/16/2011 0 0
380. beta_max 6/16/2011 0 0
380. better-than-you 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Big_Boss 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Black Hawk 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Blazebebe 6/16/2011 0 0
380. BloodE 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Broly 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Camikaze 6/16/2011 0 0
380. CanadianGuyRyan 6/16/2011 0 0
380. cybernico 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Dark_Bane 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Dark_Otto 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Darkside 6/16/2011 0 0
380. DarkTim 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Darren 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Dem 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Dominator 6/16/2011 0 0
380. doudou 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Drin 6/16/2011 0 0
380. ed_alien 6/16/2011 0 0
380. elevation 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Eliminator 6/16/2011 0 0
380. EonBlue 6/16/2011 0 0
380. eugene21 6/16/2011 0 0
380. EvilmaX 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Fircrow 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Flip 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Flo45 6/16/2011 0 0
380. fuzzycamal87 6/16/2011 0 0
380. goldberg 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Gretel_MK_II 6/16/2011 0 0
380. guignol 6/16/2011 0 0
380. humma 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Hupie 6/16/2011 0 0
380. icedive 6/16/2011 0 0
380. ILI 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Imp 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Intart 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Iphal 6/16/2011 0 0
380. josh 6/16/2011 0 0
380. JugadorJ3 6/16/2011 0 0
380. kaiynne 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Khallos 6/16/2011 0 0
380. kiza_sose 6/16/2011 0 0
380. kw8050 6/16/2011 0 0
380. laiernie 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Lance 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Lupin 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MapmakerMeister 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Mario_Speed 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Marlbargeot 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MARSUP1AL 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Mattman21012 6/16/2011 0 0
380. mc-chicken 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MegaDestructor9 6/16/2011 0 0
380. metalmario 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MikeKelehan 6/16/2011 0 0
380. miller922 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MiniMannen 6/16/2011 0 0
380. mini-snake 6/16/2011 0 0
380. moonwalker 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Morpho 6/16/2011 0 0
380. MrBlonde 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Mystral 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Nikau69 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Nikkeli_markka 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Nodjo 6/16/2011 0 0
380. noemieg 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Norm-Sim 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Onionmeister 6/16/2011 0 0
380. paytamouss 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Pique 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Platinum_Cygnus 6/16/2011 0 0
380. radio 6/16/2011 0 0
380. RAR 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Rare 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Rebuc 6/16/2011 0 0
380. RMZouk 6/16/2011 0 0
380. RobPred5 6/16/2011 0 0
380. RougE_GeNiuS 6/16/2011 0 0
380. ShadowZero 6/16/2011 0 0
380. sherifflobo 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Shock 6/16/2011 0 0
380. SilVeRdRaGoN 6/16/2011 0 0
380. smilingjack13 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Spidertri 6/16/2011 0 0
380. s-P-u 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Spy12 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Subbaman 6/16/2011 0 0
380. tetsuo 6/16/2011 0 0
380. the_snowblader 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Thiradell 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Thomas007 6/16/2011 0 0
380. TiH 6/16/2011 0 0
380. tokumma 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Tritan142 6/16/2011 0 0
380. TS2_Vann 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Unknown 6/16/2011 0 0
380. unonoctium 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Vermin 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Virus 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Volcano 6/16/2011 0 0
380. WWING49 6/16/2011 0 0
380. XeNaToS 6/16/2011 0 0
380. xhvyxhcx 6/16/2011 0 0
380. X-men 6/16/2011 0 0
380. Ynoswod 6/16/2011 0 0
380. YourGirlChica 6/16/2011 0 0
380. zaldor 6/16/2011 0 0